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English - Lakota Dictionary


A    a


a                       det. wa~1 (1);

                          det. wa~z^i'.

abandon         vt. ayu's^ta~ (1).

able                  vt. oki'hi.

about then     adv. wahe'ha~l.

ache                vs. yaza~'.

across             postp. o'pta.

again               adv. akhe'.

ailing                vs. waya'za~ kA.

airplane          n. ki~ye'khiyapi.

along               postp. agla'gla;

                          postp. opha'ya.

already           adv. eha~'ni (2).

alright              interj. oha~';

                          phr. to'kha s^ni.

also                  kho'.

always            adv. o'hi~niya~.

and                   conj. c^ha;

                          conj. na1;

                          conj. naha~'.

animal             n. wama'khas^ka~.

ankle               n. is^ka'hu.

ant                    n. thaz^u's^ka.

antelope         n. thatho'kala.

anus                 n. u~ze' (1).

any                   det. eta~' (1).

anything         pron. taku~'l.

appear            vt. owa~'ya~kA.

apple               n. thaspa~'.

apricot            n. thaspa~'hi~s^ma' c^i'k?ala.

Arikara           n. Phala'ni.

arm                  n. isto'.

arrest              vt. oyu'spA (2).

arrive              va. hi'1;

                          va. i'2.

arrow              n. wahi~'kpe.

artichoke        n. pha~g^i'.

ash tree          n. pse'h^ti~.

ashes               n. c^hah^o'ta.

ask                   vt. wi'yu~g^A.

ask for            vd. la'2.

aspirin             n. nata'yaza~'pi phez^u'ta;

                          n. si~kpe'thawo'te.

ass                   n. u~ze' (1).

assimilated    n. kiwa's^ic^u.

Assiniboine   n. Hohe'.

at                      postp. ekta';

                          postp. e'l.

attractive       vs. c^ho' (1).

aunt                 n. thu~wi~';

                          vt. thu~wi~'yA~.

aurora borealis   n. wana'g^iwac^hi'pi.

await               vt. aphe'.

awl                   n. thahi~'s^pa ihu'pa.

axe                   n. ic^a'kse;

                          n. nazu~'spe.


B    b


baby                n. be'bela;

                          n. hoks^i'c^ala.

back                n. c^huwi'.

backbone       n. c^ha~kha'hu.

backpack       n. wak?i~'.

bacon              n. was^i~'.

bad                   adv. s^ic^a'ya (2);

                          vimp. os^i'c^ec^a;

                          vs. s^i'c^A.

badger            n. h^oka'.

badly               adv. s^ic^a'ya (1).

bag                   n. wo'kpa~.

ball                   n. tha'pa.

balls                 n. itka'.

bank                n. maya'.

bark                 vt. pha'pha.

baseball          n. thab?a'phapi.

basket             n. psawo'gnake.

basketball      n. thabs^ka'tapi.

bat                    n. h^upa'khiglake.

bathe               va. nuwA~' (1).

be                     pred. Iye' (1);

                          va. hA~';

                          va. na'z^i~ (2);

                          va. ?u~';

                          va. ya~kA' (2);

                          vs. he'c^ha;

                          vs. h^pa'yA.

be dawn         vimp. a~'pa?o'.

bead                n. ps^itho'.

beadwork      n. waks^u'pi.

bean                n. omni'c^a.

bear                 n. matho';

                          n. matho'h^o'ta.

beard               n. ikhu'hi~.

beaver            n. c^ha'pa.

because          conj. ic^hi~'.

become          vs. a'yA.

bed                   n. oyu~'ke.

bee                   n. theh^mu'g^a zizi'la.

beer                 n. mnipi'g^a.

bell                   n. h^la'h^la.

belly                 n. thezi'.

belly button   n. c^hekpa'.

belong             vs. Itha'wa.

belt                   n. iphi'yaka.

bent                 vs. s^ko'pA.

berries            n. wasku'yec^a.

beside             postp. isa'khib.

besides, also        conj. naku~'.

big                    vs. tha~'ka.

bird                  n. zi~tka'la.

bite                   n. yah^ta'kA.

bitter                vs. pha'2 (2).

black               vs. sa'pA.

Black Hills    n. H^esa'pa.

blackbird        n. wa'h^patha~'ka.

Blackfeet Sioux       n. Siha'sapa.

blond               vs. z^iz^i'.

blood               n. we'.

blow a whistle    va. waya's^lo.

blue                  vs. tho'.

blue racer      n. wa~'tho.

bluff                 n. maya'.

board               n. c^ha~bla'ska.

boat                 n. wa'ta.

body                n. tha~c^ha~' (1).

boil                   vt. pih^yA'.

boiling             va. pi'g^A.

bolt                   n. iyo'katkug^e;

                          n. wi'yokatkug^e.

bone                n. hohu';

                          n. huhu'.

book                n. wo'wapi.

bottle               n. z^a~z^a~'.

bow                 n. ita'zipa.

bowl                n. waks^i'c^a.

boy                   n. hoks^i'la (1).

brace (carpenter's tool)      n. wi'yuhomni.

brain                n. nasu';

                          n. nasu'la.

bread               n. ag^u'yapi (1).

break               vt. kawe'g^A.

breast              n. aze';

                          n. makhu'.

breastplate    n. wawo'slata wana~'p?i~.

breechcloth   n. c^hegna'ke.

bring                vt. a?u'.

broke               vs. we'g^ahA~.

broth                n. waha~'pi.

brother            n. c^hiye';

                          n. misu~';

                          n. thiblo';

                          vt. c^hiye'yA;

                          vt. su~ka'yA;

                          vt. thiblo'yA.

brown             vs. g^i'.

Brule Sioux   n. Sic^ha~'g^u'.

bucket             n. c^he'g^a.

buffalo            n. pte';

                          n. thatha~'ka.

buffalo berry       n. mas^ti~'c^aphute'.

bullsnake        n. wa~gle'gleg^a;

                          n. wa~gle'g^a.

burn                 vs. s^pa~' (1);

                          vt. s^pa~yA~' (1).

burning           vs. ile'.

burrow            n. was^u~' (2);

                          n. was^u~'ka.

bury                 vt. h^a'.

bush                 n. hu'1.

but                    conj. e'yas^;

                          conj. k?e'yas^.

butcher           vt. pha'tA.

butterfly         n. kimi'mila.

buttock           n. u~ze' (1).

buttons            n. iyo'c^as^ke.

buy                   vt. ophe'thu~.

buzzard           n. hec^a'.


C    c


cactus             n. u~kc^e'la.

cafe                 n. owo'te thi'pi.

cake                n. ag^u'yapisku'yela (2).

called              ec^i'ya pi.

calumet          n. c^ha~nu'pa.

can                   vt. oki'hi.

Canada           n. U~c^i'yapi Thama'khoc^he.

canary            n. zi~tka'zi.

candy              n. wasku'yec^a (3).

canned fruit n. wasku'yec^a (2).

canoe              n. wa'ta.

car                   n. iye'c^hi~ki~ya~ke.

carry               vt. k?i~'.

casket             n. c^ha~wo'gnake.

cat                    n. igmu'la.

catch               vt. oyu'spA.

caterpillar      n. waglu'la.

catfish             n. howa'sapa.

cease              vs. aki'sni (1).

chair                n. c^ha~?a'ka~ya~kapi.

chase              vt. khuwa' (1).

cheek              n. thaphu~'.

cherry             n. c^ha~pha'.

chest               n. makhu';

                          n. ogna'ke.

Cheyenne      n. S^ahi'yela.

chicken           n. khokhe'yah^?a~la.

child                 n. c^hi~c^a';

                          n. wakha~'hez^a;

                          n. wakha~'yez^a.

chin                  n. ikhu'.

Chippewa      n. H^ah^a'thu~wa~.

church            n. owa'c^hekiye;

                          n. thi'piwakha~'.

cigarette         n. c^ha~li'.

circular           adv. mima'ya~;

                          vs. mima'.

city                   n. othu~'wahe.

cliff                  n. maya'.

cloth                n. mnih^u'ha.

cloud               n. mah^pi'ya.

cloudy             vimp. mah^pi'yaya.

coat                 n. o'gle.

cockle burr    n. wina'wizihutkha~'.

coffee             n. phez^u'tasa'pa;

                          n. wakha'lapi;

                          n. wakha'lyapi.

coffin              n. c^ha~wo'gnake.

cold                  vimp. osni';

                          vs. c^huwi'ta;

                          vs. sni'.

colt                   n. c^hi~c^a'la (1).

comb               n. phe's^a' (2).

come               va. hi'1;

                          va. u'.

conceal           va. ina'h^mA;

                          vt. nah^mA'.

consequently       conj. c^ha.

consider         vt. yawa' (3).

consume        vt. thebyA'.

converse        va. wo'glakA.

cook                va. lol?i'h^?a~;

                          vt. s^pa~yA~' (2).

cooked            vs. s^pa~' (2).

cookie             n. ag^u'yapisku'yela (1).

core                 n. c^hog^i~'.

corn                 n. wagmi'za.

cottontail rabbit n. mas^ti~'sapa;

                          n. si~te'sa'pela.

cottonwood   n. wa'g^ac^ha~'.

coulee             n. o'smaka.

count               vt. yawa' (2).

count in          vs. kho'.

country           n. makho'c^he.

coup stick      n. c^ha~wa'paha.

court                vt. wa'khiyA.

cousin             n. ha~ka's^i;

                          n. sc^e'pha~s^i;

                          n. tha~ha~'s^i;

                          vt. s^ic^?e's^iyA;

                          vt. tha~ha~'s^iyA.

cover               n. a'kah^pe.

covering         n. wa'kah^pe.

cow                 n. pteble's^ka;

                          n. ptegle's^ka;

                          n. ptewa'niya~pi.

cowbarn         n. pte?o'naz^i~.

cowlick           n. phewi'wila.

coyote             n. maya'slec^a;

                          n. s^u~gma'nitu;

                          n. s^u~n^ma'nitu.

cradleboard   n. c^huwi'c^?i~pa;

                          n. iyo'k?i~pa.

crane               n. pheha~'.

crazy               vs. witko'.

Cree Indian   n. S^ahi'ya.

creek               n. wakpa'la.

cricket            n. psipsi'c^ala.

crippled          vs. hus^te'.

crow                n. kha~g^i' (1).

Crow Indian        n. Kha~g^i'wic^ha's^a;

                          n. Psa'loka.

cry                   va. c^he'yA.

cup                   n. wi'yatke.

cut                    vt. waksA';

                          vt. was^pA'.


D    d


dam                 n. mnina'thakapi.

dance              n. wac^hi'pi;

                          va. wac^hi'.

daughter         n. c^hu~'ks^;

                          vt. c^hu~ks^i'yA.

dawn               n. a~'pa?o'.

day                   n. a~pe'tu;

                          n. c^ha~.

dead                vs. t?A'.

deer                 n. tha'h^c^a.

delicious         vs. c^ho' (2).

dessert            n. wasku'yec^a (4).

die                    va./vs. nat?A';

                          vs. hu~'kA s^ni (2);

                          vs. t?A'.

dig                    vt. k?A'.

digging stick n. wi'wopta.

dish                  n. waks^i'c^a.

dislike              vt. wah^te'la s^ni.

do                     va. oh^?a~';

                          vt. ec^ha'?u~;

                          vt. ec^hu~';

                          vt. to'kha?u~.

dog                   n. s^u~'ka.

dollar               n. ma'zaska' (3).

donkey            n. su~'su~la.

door                 n. thiyo'pa.

dove                thiwa'ki~yela.

dragonfly       n. thuswe'c^a.

draw                n. o'smaka.

dream             va. iha~'blA.

dress               n. c^huwi'gnaka.

dried meat     n. pa'pa.

drink                vt. yatkA~'.

drum                n. c^ha~'c^heg^a.

dry                   vs. pu'zA;

                          vs. sa'kA.

duck                n. mag^a';

                          n. mag^a'ksic^a.

dust                  n. makha'.

dwell               va. thi'.


E    e


eagle               n. wa~bli'.

ear                   n. nakpa';

                          n. nu'g^e.

earlier             adv. a~pe'ha~.

earring            n. owi~'.

earth                n. makha'.

earthworm    n. waglu'la.

east                  n. wiyo'hi~ya~pata.

eat                    va. wo'tA (1);

                          vt. thebyA';

                          vt. yu'tA.

eight                num. s^aglo'g^a~.

eighteen         num. ake's^aglo'g^a~;

                          num. wikc^e'mna ake's^aglo'g^a~.

eighty              num. wikc^e'mna s^aglo'g^a~.

elbow              n. is^pa'.

electricity       n. wakha~'gle.

eleven             num. ake'wa~z^i;

                          num. wikc^e'mna ake'wa~z^i';

                          num. wikc^e'mna ake'wa~z^i'c^a.

elk                    n. heh^a'ka;

                          n. u~pa~'.

elm tree          n. p?e'c^ha~.

embarrass     vt. is^te'lyA.

entrails            n. nig^e'.

erratic             vs. witko'.

Euro‑American n. Was^i'c^u~.

evening           n. h^taye'tu.

expensive      vs. othe'h^ikA (1).

eye                   n. is^ta'.

eyebrow         n. is^ta'h^e.

eyelashes       n. i's^timaha~pi.


F    f


face                 n. ite'.

fairhaired       vs. z^iz^i'.

fall                    n. pta~ye'tu;

                          vs. hi~h^pa'yA.

far                    adv. the'ha~.

fat                    n. was^i~';

                          vs. c^he'pA.

father              n. ate';

                          n. atku'ku;

                          n. phapa';

                          vt. ate'yA.

Interjection used by men. It can indicate mild sunrise or be used simply to launch a statement. Women say ma.            interj. wa~2.

female            vs. wi~'yela.

fence               n. c^ha~?u~'kas^ke;

                          n. c^hu~'kas^ke.

Particle which marks a formal commands spoken by a man. Same as yo. Wo is used when the preceding words ends in u, u~, or o.             encl. wo.

field                 n. wo'z^upi.

fifteen             num. ake'zapta~;

                          num. wikc^e'mna ake'zapta~.

fifty                  num. wikc^e'mna za'pta~.

fifty cents      n. kha~g^i' (2);

                          n. okhi'se.

fight                 vt. khi'zA.

find                  vt. iye'yA.

finger              n. c^hoka~'ya~;

                          n. e'pazo;

                          n. nab?o'kazu~te;

                          n. s^as^te'.

fingernail        n. s^ake'.

fire                   n. phe'ta.

firefly              n. u~ze'blinkblink.

first                  adv. thoke'ya.

fish                   n. hog^a~'.

fishworm       n. waglu'la.

five                  num. za'pta~.

five cents       n. kas^pa'pi okhi'se.

flag                  n. wo'wapi (3).

flat                   vs. blaska'.

flea                  n. ha'la.

flesh                n. c^hog^i~'.

flint                  n. wahi~'.

flirt                   va. wo'khiyA;

                          vt. wa'khiyA.

flour                 n. ag^u'yapiblu'.

flower             n. wah^c^a';

                          n. wana'h^c^a.

flute                 n. waya'z^opi;

                          va. waya'z^o.

fly                     n. thah^mu'g^a;

                          n. theh^mu'g^a;

                          n. thoh^mu'g^a;

                          va. ki~yA~'.

fog                   n. p?o'.

food                 n. wo'yute.

foot                  n. si'.

for                    conj. ic^hi~'.

for awhile      adv. owa'toha~ya~.

forehead        n. ithu'hu.

fork                  n. wi'c^haphe.

formerly         adv. eha~'ni (1).

forty                num. wikc^e'mna to'b;

                          num. wikc^e'mna to'pa.

four                  num. to'b;

                          num. to'pa.

fourteen         num. ake'tob;

                          num. ake'topa;

                          num. wikc^e'mna ake'tob;

                          num. wikc^e'mna ake'topa.

fox                   n. s^u~g^i'la;

                          n. thokha'la.

friend              n. khola';

                          vt. khola'yA.

frog                  n. gnas^ka'.

from                adv. heta~';

                          adv. kata~';

                          adv. leta~';

                          postp. eta~';

                          postp. eta~'ha~.

fruit                  n. wasku'yec^a.

fry                    vt. c^he?u~'pA;

                          vt. c^heyu~'pA.

full                    vs. i'phi;

                          vs. oz^u'la.

fur                    n. hi~'.


G    g


gall                   n. phizi'.

gallbladder     n. phizi'.

game bird      n. s^iyo'.

garden            n. wo'z^upi.

gas station     n. wi'gli?o?i'naz^i~.

genitals           n. susu';

                          n. s^a~'.

get                    vt. ic^u' (2).

get married   va. hi~gna'thu~;

                          vt. hi~gna'yA~.

get up              va. kikta' (1).

get well          vs. aki'sni (2).

ghost               n. wana'g^i.

girl                    n. wic^hi~'c^ala.

give                  vd. k?u'.

give back       vd. kic^hu'.

give up            vt. ayu's^ta~ (2).

glare                vt. tu~wA~'.

glass                n. z^a~z^a~'.

glove               n. nab?i~'kpa.

glue                  n. wa?i'yaskabyapi;

                          n. wi'yaskabyapi.

go                     n. yA' (2);

                          va. glA.

go to school va. waya'wa (2).

goat                 n. tha'h^c^as^u~'kala;

                          n. thatho'kala.

gold                  n. ma'zaska'zi.

good                vs. was^te' (1).

good weather     vimp. owa's^tec^akA.

goods              n. mnih^u'ha.

goose              n. mag^a's^apa.

gourd               n. wagmu'.

Government n. thu~ka's^ilayapi (1).

grandchild      n. thako'z^a;

                          vt. thako'z^ayA.

grandfather   n. kaka';

                          n. thu~ka's^ila;

                          vt. thu~ka's^ilayA.

grandmother       n. khu~s^i';

                          n. u~c^i';

                          vt. khu~s^i'yA;

                          vt. u~c^iyA.

grape               n. c^huwi'yapehe.

grass               n. phez^i'.

grasshopper n. gnugnu's^ka;

                          n. phez^i'hophop.

gratify             vt. phila'yA.

gray                 vs. h^o'ta.

green               vs. tho'.

grind                vt. yukpa~'.

grindstone      n. ig^a'g^a.

grizzly bear   n. matho'h^o'ta.

groceries        n. wo'yute.

grouse             n. s^iyo'.

grow                vs. ic^ha'g^A.

growl               va. h^lo'.

gulch               n. o'smaka.

gully                 n. o'smaka.

gun                   n. ma'zawakha~'.

gut                    n. s^upe'.

guts                  n. nig^e'.


H    h


hail                   n. wasu'.

hair                  n. hi~';

                          n. phehi~'.

hairpipe breastplate       n. wawo'slata wana~'p?i~.

hammer          n. ima's?iyaphe.

hand                n. nape'.

handle             n. ihu'pa.

hard                 vs. suta' (1).

hard to bear vs. othe'h^ikA (2).

harness           n. ic^?i~'.

hat                    n. wapho's^ta~.

have                vs. yukhA~';

                          vt. gluha';

                          vt. yuha' (1).

have a baby va. hoks^i'yuha.

have on          vt. ?u~'.

have to           encl. he'c^ha.

hawk               n. c^heta~'.

he                     pron. he' (2).

head                n. nata';

                          n. phe'1.

hear                 vt. nah^?u~' (1).

heart                n. c^ha~te'.

heaven            n. mah^pi'ya.

heavy              vs. tke'.

help                  va. o'kiyA.

hen                   n. khokhe'yah^?a~la.

her                   pron. he' (2).

herb                 n. phez^u'ta (2).

here                 adv. le'c^hi;

                          adv. le'c^hiya;

                          adv. le'l;

                          interj. na'2.

heron               n. hokha'.

hide                  n. ha' (1);

                          n. thaha';

                          n. thaha'lo;

                          va. ina'h^mA;

                          vt. nah^mA'.

high                  vs. wa~ka'tuya.

highway         n. c^ha~ku'.

hill                    n. paha'.

him                   pron. he' (2).

hit                     vt. aphA';

                          vt. o'.

hog                   n. khukhu's^e.

hole                  n. was^u~' (1);

                          n. was^u~'ka.

hominy            n. was^tu~'kala.

hornet             n. wic^ha'yapaz^i'pa.

horse               n. s^u~'kawakha~'.

horsebarn      n. s^u~n^?o'naz^i~.

hospital           n. okhu'z^e thi'pi.

hot                    vs. okha'tA.

house              n. c^ha~'thipi;

                          n. thi';

                          n. thi'pi.

how many     pron. to'na.

how many?   pron. to'nakec^a.

how much     pron. to'na (2).

how much?   pron. to'nakec^a.

howl                va. ho';

                          vt. s^ic^a'howa'yA.

hungry            va. loc^hi~'.

Hunkpapa      n. Hu~'kpaphaya.

hunt                 va. wakhu'wa;

                          vt. khuwa' (2).

hurriedly         adv. ina'h^ni;

                          adv. ina'h^ni.

hurry               va. ina'h^ni.

hurt                  vs. yaza~';

                          vt. ksu'yeyA.


I    i


I went             va. ble'.

ice                    n. c^ha'g^a.

in                      postp. ekta';

                          postp. e'l;

                          postp. ogna' (1).

included          vs. kho'.

Indian              n. Lakho'ta (3).

inside               adv. thima'.

intestine          n. s^upe'.

iron                  n. ma'za (2).

it                       pron. he' (2).


J    j


jackrabbit       n. mas^ti~'ska.

jail                    n. oka's^ke thi'pi.

jar                     n. z^a~z^a~'.

jaw                   n. c^hehu'pa.

jerkey              n. waka'blapi.

job                    n. wo'was^i.

jump                va. psi'c^A.

jump over      vt. apsi'c^A.

June berry     n. wi'pazukha;

                          n. wi'pazu~tka;

                          n. wi'pazu~tka~.


K    k


kettle               n. c^he'g^a.

kick                  vt. nah^ta'kA.

kidney             n. az^u~'tka.

kill                    vt. kte' (2).

kinsman          n. ota'kuye;

                          n. taku'ye.

knee                n. c^ha~kpe'.

knife                n. mi'la.

know               vt. slolyA'.


L    l


lacrosse          n. c^ha~'s^kopa.

lake                  n. ble'.

Lakota            n. Lakho'ta (2).

land                  n. makho'c^he.

lap                    n. s^iyu'te.

last                   vs. eha'kela.

last night        adv. ha~he'pi.

later                 adv. eha'kela.

later today     adv. ekta'waphaya ki~.

leaf                  n. wah^pe'.

leather            n. theh^pi'.

leave               va. hiyu';

                          va. iya'yA (1);

                          vt. ayu's^ta~ (1).

leave alone    vt. ayu's^ta~ (3).

left‑handed    vs. c^hatka'.

leg                    n. hu'2.

legging            n. hu~ska'.

let go               vt. ayu's^ta~ (4).

letter                n. wo'wapi (2).

lettuce             n. mas^ti~'c^athawo'yute.

lie                     vs. h^pa'yA;

                          vs. o'wakha~kha~'.

lie down         va. iyu~'kA (2);

                          va. khu'l yu~kA'.

light                  vt. yu?i'le.

lighted             vimp. oz^a~'z^a~.

lightning          n. waki~'ya~tu~wa~'pi;

                          vimp. waki~'ya~tu~wa~' pi.

like                   vt. awa's^telakA;

                          vt. was^te'lakA.

likely                vimp. nac^he'c^A;

                          vs. ite'kA.

lip                     n. phute'.

lips                   n. iha'.

little                  vs. c^i'k?ala.

live                   va. thi'.

lizard               n. agle's^ka.

loaf of bread       n. ag^u'yapi (2).

lodge               n. a'kah^pe.

long                  adv. the'ha~;

                          vs. ha~'skA (2).

look                  vt. owa~'ya~kA.

look for           vt. ole'.

lot                     adv. li'glila.

louse                n. he'ya.

love                  vt. theh^i'la.

lumbar            n. nise'hu.

lumber            n. c^ha~bla'ska.

lung                  n. c^hag^u'.


M    m


magpie            n. halha'ta;

                          n. u~kc^e'kih^a.

mail                  n. wo'wapi (2).

male                n./vs. bloka'.

male genitals       n. c^he' (1).

man                 n. wic^ha's^a.

Mandan          n. Miwa'tha~ni.

march             n. Is^ta'wic^ha'yaza~piwi'.

marry              va. hi~gna'thu~;

                          va. thawi'c^uthu~';

                          vt. hi~gna'yA~;

                          vt. yu'zA.

material          n. mnih^u'ha.

matter             vs. to'kha.

maybe             adv. u~gna'.

meadowlark n. thas^i'yagnupa'.

meat                n. thalo';

                          n. waka'phapi.

medicine        n. phez^u'ta (1).

melt                 vs. ska~';

                          vs. s^lo';

                          vt. ska~yA~';

                          vt. s^loyA'.

metal               n. ma'za (1).

mew                va. howa'yA.

Mexican         n. Spayo'la.

Milky Way    n. wana'g^ithac^ha~'ku.

mind                n. tha~c^ha~' (2).

mink                n. ikhu's^a~'.

Minneconjou Sioux        n. Mnikho'wa~z^u.

mirror              n. mi'yoglas?i~.

Missouri River   n. Mni's^os^e.

moccasin       n. ha~m?i'kc^eka.

money             n. ma'zaska' (2).

moon               n. ha~he'piwi';

                          n. wi'.

morning          n. hi~'ha~ni.

mosquito        n. c^haphu~'ka.

mother            n. ina';

                          n. mama';

                          vt. ina'yA~'.

mountain        n. h^e'.

mountain lion      n. igmu'tha~ka.

mountain sheep n. hec^hi~'s^kayapi.

mouse             n. ithu~'kala.

mouth              n. i'1.

movie              n. wo'wapis^ka~s^ka~'.

much               adv. li'glila.

muddy             vs. s^os^e.

muscle            n. c^hog^i~'.

muskrat          n. si~kphe';

                          n. si~kphe'la.

mustache       n. phuthi~'hi~.

muzzle            n. pha'1.


N    n


nape                n. naz^u'te.

narrow            vs. oc^i'k?ala.

nasal cavity   n. phah^la'te.

navel               n. c^hekpa'.

neck                n. thahu'.

necklace        n. wana'p?i~.

need                vt. c^hi~' ktA.

needle             n. thahi~'s^pa.

negro               n. Ha'sapa.

nephew          n. thos^ka';

                          n. thu~s^ka';

                          vt. thos^ka'yA.

nerve               n. kha~'.

nickel              n. kas^pa'pi okhi'se.

niece               n. thoz^a~';

                          vt. thoz^a~'yA~.

night                n. ha~he'pi.

nine                  num. napc^i~'yu~ka.

nineteen         num. ake'napc^i~'yu~ka;

                          num. wikc^e'mna ake'napc^i~'yu~ka.

ninety              num. wikc^e'mna napc^i~'yu~ka.

nipple              n. aze'phi~kpe.

no                     ha~' (2);

                          hiya' (1);

                          det. ta'kuni;

                          det. wa~z^i'ni.

nobody            pron. tuwe'ni.

noon                n. wi'c^hoka~'ya~hiya'ye.

north                n. wazi'yata.

northo             postp. iwa'ziyata~ha~.

nose                 n. phasu';

                          n. pho'g^e.

not                    det. wa~z^i'ni;

                          encl. s^ni.

nothing but    adv. ec^e'.

now                 adv. wana' (1).

now and then      adv. wato'ha~l s^na.


O    o


obey                vt. nah^?u~' (2).

offspring        n. c^hi~c^a'.

Oglala             Ogla'la (1).

ointment         n. isla'ye.

Ojibwa            n. H^ah^a'thu~wa~.

old                    vs. ka~'.

old man          n. wic^ha'h^c^ala.

old time          n. eha~'ni.

old woman    n. winu'h^c^ala.

on                     postp. aka~'l;

                          postp. aka~'n;

                          postp. e'l.

once                adv. wa~'c^ala.

one                   adv. wa~z^i'gz^i;

                          det. wa~1 (2);

                          n. wa~z^i'c^a;

                          num. wa~z^i';

                          pron. wa~z^i'la.

onion               n. ps^i~'.

only                  adv. ec^e';

                          adv. ec^e'la.

open                vs. yug^a~'g^a~;

                          vt. yug^a~'.

operate on     vt. pha'tA (2).

or                      conj. na?i~'s^.

orange            n. thaspa~'zi'.

otter                 n. pta~'.

owl                   n. hi~ha~'.


P    p


pack                vt. k?i~'.

paint                vt. owa' (2).

palate              n. c^haka'.

pale                  vs. zi' (2).

pants               n. u~zo'g^i~.

paper               n. mnih^u'hakhakha'ka.

parfleche bag     n. wo'kpa~.

part in hair     n. phesle'te.

pass                 va. hiya'yA.

pastry              n. ag^u'yapisku'yela (3).

path                 n. c^ha~ku'.

Pawnee Indian   n. Sc^i'li.

peach              n. thaspa~'hi~s^ma'.

peep                vt. e'yokas?i~.

pemmican      n. wasna'.

pencil              n. wi'c^azo.

penis                n. c^he' (2);

                          n. susu'.

penny              n. ma'zas^a';

                          n. ma'zas^a'la.

people             n. oya'te (1).

pepper            n. yamnu'mnug^api;

                          n. yamnu'mnuz^api.

pet                    vt. yusto'sto.

pheasant        n. s^iyo'.

picture            n. ito'wapi.

pig                    n. khukhu's^e.

pigeon             thiwa'ki~yela.

pigeon, dove        n. waki~'yela.

pinch               vt. yuz^i'pa.

pine                  n. wazi'.

Pine Ridge Sioux     Ogla'la (1).

pipe                  n. c^ha~nu'pa;

                          va. waya'z^o.

pipestem        n. c^ha~nu'pasi~te'.

piss                  n. lez^e';

                          va. le'z^A.

pitchfork        n. wi'c^haphe.

pitiful               adv. u~'s^iyakel.

plank               n. c^ha~bla'ska.

plant                va. wo'z^u;

                          vt. oz^u'1 (1).

plate                n. waks^i'c^a.

pleasant          vs. c^ho' (1).

please             vt. phila'yA.

plow                n. makha'?iyu'blu;

                          va. makha'yublu'.

plum                n. kha~'ta.

plume              n. wa'c^hehi~.

pole                  n. thus^u'.

pop                   n. kapho'papi.

popliteal          n. hu?o'kah^mi.

porcupine       n. phahi~'.

potato              n. blo'.

poultry            n. khokhe'yah^?a~la.

pour                 vt. kapsu~';

                          vt. papsu~'.

powder           n. blu'.

prairie dog     n. pispi'za.

preserves       n. wasku'yec^a (2).

President       n. thu~ka's^ilayapi (2).

pretty              vs. c^ho' (1);

                          vs. was^te' (2).

prickly             vs. phephe'.

probable         vimp. nac^he'c^A.

probably, maybe. Particle which indicates that the speaker considers his statement possibly or probably true, but not certainly true. Many sentences with se'c^A also begin with u~gna'.   encl. se'c^A.

pump               n. hu?i'pat?i~ze;

                          n. mni?i'pathaz^a.

pumpkin         n. wagmu'.

puppy              n. s^u~h^pa'la.


Q    q


quickly            adv. ina'h^ni.

quillwork        n. wo'ska.

quilt                  n. owi~'z^a.

quit                   vt. ayu's^ta~ (2).


R    r


rabbit               n. mas^ti~'c^ala;

                          n. mas^ti~'sapa;

                          n. mas^ti~'ska;

                          n. si~te'sa'pela.

racoon            n. wic^hi'tegleg^a.

rain                  n. mag^a'z^u;

                          vimp. mag^a'z^u.

rainbow          n. wi'gmuke.

rapid                n. lu'zahA~.

Rapid City     n. Mnilu'zahe Othu~'wahe.

rattle                n. wagmu'ha.

rattlesnake    n. si~te'h^la.

ravine              n. o'smaka.

rawhide          n. thaha'lo;

                          n. wo'kpa~.

razz                  vt. as^?a' (2).

read                 va. waya'wa (1);

                          vt. yawa' (1).

receive           vt. ic^u' (2).

recover           vs. aki'sni (2).

red                   vs. lu'ta;

                          vs. s^a'.

reed                 n. psa'.

relative           n. ota'kuye;

                          n. taku'ye.

remember      vt. kiksu'yA.

request           vd. la'2.

reservoir        n. mnina'thakapi.

restaurant      n. owo'te thi'pi.

return              vd. kic^hu'.

rib                     n. thuc^hu'hu.

rice                  n. psi~'.

rifle                  n. ma'zawakha~'.

right                 adv. wahe'ha~;

                          adv. wana' (2);

                          pred. wahe'ha~tu;

                          va. wic^a'khA (2).

right‑handed        vs. is^la'yeta~.

rind                  n. ha' (2).

ring finger; finger    n. s^ka~ka'pi.

ripe                  vs. s^tu~ka'la (2).

river                 n. makhi'zita.

roach               n. phe's^a' (1).

road                 n. c^ha~ku'.

rock                 n. ih^?e';

                          n. i~'ya~.

roof                  n. c^haka'.

root                  n. hu'ta.

rope                 n. wi'kha~.

Rosebud Reservation   n. Sic^ha~'g^u' Thi'pi.

Rosebud Sioux   n. Sic^ha~'g^u';

                          n. Sic^ha~'g^u' Oya'te.

rosehip            n. u~z^i~'z^i~tka.

round               vs. gmigma';

                          vs. gmigme'la;

                          vs. mima';

                          vs. mime'la.

run                   va. ?i~'ya~kA.


S    s


sack                 n. wo'z^uha.

saddle             n. c^ha~'wak?i~.

saliva               n. thag^e'.

salt                   n. mnisku'ya.

salty                 vs. sku'yA (2).

salve                n. isla'ye.

sand                 n. c^hasmu'.

sandburr         n. phez^i'?u~kc^e'la;

                          n. phez^u~'kc^ela.

sandwich       n. thalo' ag^u'yapi c^hog^i~'khiyapi.

saw                  n. c^ha~?i'wakse.

say                   vt. eyA'3;

                          vt. ke'yA.

school             n. owa'yawa.

scratch           vrefl. iglu'k?eg^A.

scream           vt. s^ic^a'howa'yA.

screw              n. iyo'katkug^e;

                          n. wi'yokatkug^e.

screwdriver n. wi'yuhomni.

see                   vt. wa~ya~'kA.

seize                vt. oyu'spA.

semen             n. hiya'ye.

seven              num. s^ako'wi~.

seventeen      num. ake's^ako'wi~;

                          num. wikc^e'mna ake's^ako'wi~.

seventy           num. wikc^e'mna s^ako'wi~.

sew                  vt. kaye'g^A.

shame             vt. is^te'lyA.

sharp               vs. phe'2.

sharp‑pointed      vs. phe'stola.

shawl              n. s^ina'.

she                   pron. he' (2).

sheep              n. tha'h^c^as^u~'kala.

shell                 n. ha' (3).

shield               n. waha'c^ha~ka.

shin                  n. hublo'.

Shin Buttes. The buttes are located south of Oglala, South Dakota, on the Nebraska state line (Pine Ridge Reservation).           n. Z^a~z^a~' Blaska'.

ship                  n. wa'ta.

shirt                 n. o'gle.

shoe                 n. ha~'pa.

shoot               vt. khute';

                          vt. o'.

short                vs. pte'c^ela.

Shoshoni        n. Su'suni.

shoulder         n. ablo';

                          n. hi~ye'te.

shout               vt. kipa~'.

shrub               n. hu'1.

sick                  vs. khu'z^A.

silver               n. ma'zaska' (1);

                          n. ma'zaska'ska.

sinew              n. thakha~'.

sing                  va. h^?okha'.

singer              n. h^?okha'.

Sioux               Ogla'la (1);

                          n. Hu~'kpaphaya;

                          n. Iha~'kthu~wa~;

                          n. Isa~'yethi;

                          n. Ita'zibc^ho';

                          n. Lakho'ta (1);

                          n. Mnikho'wa~z^u;

                          n. O?o'henu'pa;

                          n. Sic^ha~'g^u';

                          n. Siha'sapa;

                          n. Thi'thu~wa~.

sister               n. c^huwe';

                          n. tha~ka';

                          n. tha~ke';

                          n. tha~ks^i';

                          vt. c^huwe'yA;

                          vt. tha~ka'yA;

                          vt. tha~ke'yA;

                          vt. tha~ks^i'yA.

sit                     va. ya~kA' (1);

                          va. ya~kA' (2).

sit down         va. i'yotakA.

six                    num. s^a'kpe.

sixteen            num. ake's^akpe;

                          num. wikc^e'mna ake's^akpe.

sixty                 num. wikc^e'mna s^a'kpe.

skin                  n. ha' (1).

skinny             vs. thama'hec^a (1).

skunk              n. maka'.

sky                   n. mah^pi'ya.

slaughter        vt. kte' (1).

sleep                vs. is^ti'mA.

sleepy             vs. h^wa'.

slice                 vt. waksA'.

small                vs. c^i'stila.

small of back      n. nise'hu;

                          n. nite'.

smash underfoot      va./vs. nat?A'.

smell bad       vs. s^ic^a'mna.

smile                va. ih^a'.

smoke             n. s^o'ta.

snail                 n. waha'c^ha~kakic^?i~'.

snake              n. zuze'c^a.

sneeze            va. ps^a'.

snot                  n. phah^li'.

snow               n. ic^a'mnapi;

                          n. wa';

                          vimp. ic^a'mna;

                          vimp. was^mA'.

sock                 n. hu~ya'khu~.

soda                 n. kapho'papi.

soft                  vs. pha~s^pha~'z^ela.

soft drink       n. kapho'papi.

soil                   n. makha'blu.

sole of foot    n. sic^hu'ha;

                          n. siha'.

some               det. eta~' (1);

                          det. eta~' (2);

                          det. eya'1.

someone        pron. tuwa' (2);

                          pron. tuwe' c^ha.

something      pron. ta'ku (2);

                          pron. taku~'l.

sometimes     adv. wato'ha~l s^na.

somewhere   adv. to'khiya (2);

                          adv. tukte'l (2).

son                   n. c^hi~'ks^;

                          vt. c^hi~ks^i'yA;

                          vt. thoz^a~'yA~.

soon                 adv. ec^ha'ni;

                          adv. ec^ha~'na;

                          adv. ec^ha~'ni.

soul                  n. tha~c^ha~' (2);

                          n. wana'g^i.

soup                 n. waha~'pi.

sour                 vs. pha'2 (1).

south               n. ito'kag^ata.

spade              n. makhi'was^pe.

speak              vt. iyA'.

spear               n. wahu'kheza.

spherical        vs. gmigma';

                          vs. gmigme'la;

                          vs. mime'la.

spicy                vs. pha'2 (3).

spider              n. ikto';

                          n. ikto'mi;

                          n. i~kto'.

spill                  vt. kapsu~';

                          vt. papsu~'.

spine                n. c^ha~kha'hu.

spirit                n. wana'g^i.

spit                   n. thag^e'.

split                  vt. kas^le'cA.

spoon              n. c^hi~s^ka'.

spring              n. we'tu;

                          n. wiwi'la.

sprinkle           vimp. mnis^?e's^?e.

square             vs. oble'thu~.

squash            n. wagmu'.

squirrel           n. zic^a'.

stall                  n. s^u~n^?o'naz^i~.

stand               n. ogna'ke;

                          va. na'z^i~ (1).

stand up         va. ina'z^i~ (1).

star                  n. wic^ha'h^pi.

stare                vt. tu~wA~'.

start                 va. iya'yA (2).

station             n. o?i'naz^i~.

steal                 vt. manu'.

stew                n. waha~'pi.

stickery          vs. phephe'.

still                   adv. he'c^hena;

                          adv. naha~'h^c^i.

stink                 vs. s^ic^a'mna.

stir up trouble     va. wa?o'h^?a~h^?a~kA.

stocking          n. hu~ya'khu~.

stomach         n. thezi'.

stop                  va. ina'z^i~ (2);

                          vs. aki'sni (1).

store                n. mas?o'phiye.

stove               n. oc^he'thi (1).

street               n. c^ha~ku'.

stroke              vt. yusto'sto.

strong              vs. was^?a'kA.

study               va. waya'wa (2).

stumble           va./vs. huka's^e.

such                 vs. he'c^ha.

sugar               n. c^ha~ha~'pi.

sultry               vimp. olu'luta.

summer          n. bloke'tu.

sun                   n. a~'pawi';

                          n. wi'.

sunflower      n. wah^c^a'zi.

sunny              vimp. mas^te'.

swallow          n. is^ta'nic^atha~'ka.

sweet              vs. sku'yA (1).

sweetgrass    n. wac^ha~'g^a.

sweets            n. wasku'yec^a (4).

sweltering      vs. olu'luta.

swift                n. lu'zahA~.

swim               va. nuwA~' (2).


T    t


table                n. wa'glotapi.

tail                    n. si~te'.

take                 vt. ic^u' (1).

take along      vt. a'yA.

talk                   va. wo'glakA.

tall                    vs. ha~'skA (1).

tallow              n. was^i~'.

tape recorder      n. howa'nag^oye.

tarpaulin         n. wa'kah^pe.

tea                    n. wah^pe' (2);

                          n. wah^pe'khalyapi.

tease               vt. as^?a' (2);

                          vt. yus^ke'ha~.

teeth                n. hi'2.

telegraph        n. mas?a'pha.

telephone       n. mas?a'pha.

tell lies            vs. o'wakha~kha~'.

temple             n. nawa'te.

ten                    num. wikc^e'mna.

tender             vs. s^tu~ka'la (1).

tendon             n. kha~'.

tepee               n. a'kah^pe.

testes              n. itka'.

testicles          n. itka'.

Teton Sioux n. Thi'thu~wa~.

thanks             phr. phila'mayaye.

that                  pron. he' (1);

                          pron. ka'.

the                    det. ki;

                          det. ki~.

them                pron. hena' (2).

then                 adv. he'ha~;

                          adv. heha~'l.

there                adv. he'c^hi;

                          adv. he'c^hiya;

                          adv. he'l;

                          adv. ka'khi;

                          adv. ka'khiya;

                          adv. ka'l.

these               adv. lena'.

they                 pron. hena' (2).

thick                vs. s^o'kA.

thigh                n. c^hec^a';

                          n. sic^ha~'.

thin                   vs. zibzi'pela.

think                vt. iyu'kc^a~.

thirsty              vs. i'puza.

thirteen           num. ake'yamni;

                          num. wikc^e'mna ake'yamni.

thirty                num. wikc^e'mna ya'mni.

this                   pron. le'1.

this morning adv. hi~'ha~ni.

those               pron. hena' (1);

                          pron. kana'.

thousand        num. khikto'pawi~g^e;

                          num. khokto'pawi~g^e;

                          num. opa'wi~g^e wikc^e'mna.

thread             n. hah^u~'ta.

three                num. ya'mni.

throat              n. lote'.

thumb              n. nabh^a'hu~ka.

thunder           n. waki~'ya~hothu~'pi;

                          vimp. waki~'ya~hothu~' pi.

tickle               vt. yus^?i~'s^?i~.

tire                   n. hu'3.

tire pump       n. hu?i'pat?i~ze.

tired                 vs. hu'stakA;

                          vs. watu'kha.

tit                      n. aze'.

to                      postp. ekta';

                          postp. e'l.

tobacco          n. c^ha~li'.

today               adv. a~pe'ha~;

                          adv. a~pe'tu ki~ le';

                          adv. ekta'waphaya ki~.

toe                    n. sipha'.

together          postp. kic^hi'.

tomato            n. u~z^i~'z^i~tka.

tomorrow       adv. hi~'ha~ni ki~.

tonight             adv. ha~he'pi ki~.

too                    kho';

                          adv. li'la (2);

                          adv. s^ic^a'ya (2).

tool                   n. maswo'?ilake;

                          n. ma'zawo'?ilake.

tooth                n. hi'2.

touch               vt. e'patha~.

tough               vs. suta' (2).

town                n. othu~'wahe.

trachea           n. gloglo'ska.

trail                  n. c^ha~ku'.

travel               va. oma'ni.

tree                  n. c^ha~' (1).

tribe                 n. oya'te (2).

trouble            va. wa?o'h^?a~h^?a~kA.

trousers          n. u~zo'g^i~.

truth                 va. wic^a'khA (1).

turbid               vs. s^os^e.

turkey             n. wagle'ks^a~.

turn off           vt. yusni'.

turn on            vt. yu?i'le.

turnip               n. pha~g^i';

                          n. thi~'psila.

turtle                n. khe'ya;

                          n. phatka's^a.

twelve             num. ake'num;

                          num. ake'nupa;

                          num. wikc^e'mna ake'num;

                          num. wikc^e'mna ake'nupa.

twenty            num. wikc^e'mna nu'm;

                          num. wikc^e'mna nu'pa.

two                  num. nu'm;

                          num. nu'pa.

Two‑Kettle Sioux    n. O?o'henu'pa.


U    u


uncle               n. leks^i';

                          vt. leks^i'yA.

unconventional   vs. witko'.

United States      n. Mi'laha~'ska Thama'khoc^he.

urban Indian        n. kiwa's^ic^u.

urge on           vt. as^?a' (1).

urinate            va. le'z^A.

urine                n. lez^e'.

use                   vt. ?u~'.

uterus              n. thamni'.

utter                 va. hothu~'.


V    v


vegetation      n. wo'h^e.

vein                  n. kha~'.

very                 adv. li'la (1);

                          vs. oz^u'la (2).

voice               n. ho'.


W    w


wagon             n. c^ha~pa'gmiya~pi.

waist               n. phag^e'.

wait                 v. tho'hi~ya~kA.

wait for          vt. aphe'.

wake up         va. kikta' (2).

walk                va. ma'ni.

want                vt. c^hi~'.

warbonnet     n. wapha'ha.

warclub          n. i~'ya~kape'mnipi.

warm              vimp. mas^te'.

wash               vt. yuz^a'z^a.

wasp               n. wic^ha'yaz^ipa.

water              n. mni'.

watermelon   n. s^pa~'s^niyuta'pi;

                          n. wagmu's^pa~s^ni.

waterpump    n. mni?i'pathaz^a.

weak               vs. hu~'kA s^ni (1).

wear                vt. ?u~'.

weasel            n. ithu~'kasa~';

                          n. ithu~'kasa~'la.

weeds             n. wo'h^e.

week               n. oko.

weep               va. c^he'yA.

well                  adv. ta~ya~';

                          interj. eya'2;

                          interj. i~';

                          interj. i~'ska;

                          n. mnic^?a'pi;

                          vs. ta~ya~'.

west                n. wi'yoh^peyata;

                          postp. iwi'yoh^peyata~ha~.

what                pron. ta'ku (1);

                          vs. ta'ku.

wheel              n. hupa'gmiya~ya~.

when               adv. to'ha~;

                          adv. toha~'l.

whenever      adv. toha~'l ... c^ha~'na s^na.

where             adv. to'khi;

                          adv. to'khiya (1);

                          adv. tukte' e'l;

                          adv. tukte'l (1).

whetstone      n. ig^a'g^a.

whiskey          n. mni'wakha~.

whistle            va. waya's^lo.

white               vs. sa~' (1);

                          vs. ska'.

White American      n. Mi'laha~'ska.

White person      n. Was^i'c^u;

                          n. Was^i'c^u~.

who                 pron. tuwa' (1).

who?               vs. tuwe' he?

whom              pron. tuwa' (1).

why                 adv. ec^a' ... s^ni;

                          conj. c^ha he' u~, see: c^ha.

wildrose         n. u~z^i~'z^i~tka.

willow             n. c^ha~s^a's^a.

wind                vimp. thate'.

window          n. oz^a~'z^a~glepi.

windpipe        n. gloglo'ska.

wine                n. mnis^a'.

wing                n. h^upa'hu.

winter             n. wani'yetu (1).

wipe off         vt. pakhi~'tA.

with                 postp. kic^hi';

                          postp. u~.

wolf                 n. s^u~gma'nitu;

                          n. s^u~gma'nitu tha~'ka;

                          n. s^u~n^ma'nitu tha~'ka.

woman           n. wi~'ya~.

womb              n. thamni'.

wood               n. c^ha~' (2).

woodpecker n. c^ha~ka'totola.

work                n. wo'was^i;

                          va. wo'was^i ec^ha'?u~.

worm              n. waglu'la.

wound             vt. o'.

wrist                n. nab?o'kas^ke.

write                vt. owa' (1).

wrong             vs. to'kha.


Y    y


year                 n. wani'yetu (2).

yellow             vs. zi' (1).

yelp                  vt. s^ic^a'howa'yA.

yes                   ha~' (1);

                          hiya' (2).

yesterday       adv. h^ta'leha~.

yet                    adv. naha~'h^c^i....s^ni.

yonder            adv. ka'khi;

                          adv. ka'khiya;

                          adv. ka'l;

                          pron. ka';

                          pron. kana'.

young              n. c^hi~c^a'la;

                          vs. si~te';

                          vs. the'c^a.

young animal      n. c^hi~c^a'la (2).

young girl       n. wic^hi~'c^ala.

young man    n. khos^ka'laka.

young woman     n. wikho's^kalaka.


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